Data breaches have become increasingly common today. Notably, the most newsworthy breaches are often malicious, involving either ransomware gangs or disgruntled employees seeking revenge.

High-profile, large companies targeted by cyberattacks often face ransom demands reaching millions of dollars. However, even when these companies pay the cybercriminals, it rarely guarantees the restoration of their data.

The thought of bad actors exploiting companies’ technological vulnerabilities, demanding six- or seven-figure ransoms, and compromising employee and customer data is alarming. However, beyond the headlines, there’s more to data breaches than the immediate story. While the issue remains serious, it’s crucial to understand how data breaches occur and their broader implications beyond what standard news coverage reveals.


Survey Says…

Cybersecurity software company Code42 and research firm Aberdeen collaborated to provide deeper insights into data breaches. While the news often highlights a barrage of attacks, a lucrative ransomware market, and lurking criminals, their report offers a revealing perspective.

A surprising statistic from the survey shows that 33 percent (or 1 in 3) of breaches involved someone with authorized access to systems. Of these incidents, 78 percent were unintentional, often due to employee neglect. On average, there were thirteen daily data exposure events where files were moved to untrustworthy locations via email, cloud services, or removable media.

Although mistakes happen, these figures should concern companies and organizations, as they indicate significant internal losses. Even more alarming for employers is that these insider breaches can cost up to 20 percent of their annual revenue.


Statistics Show An Upward Trend

The threat posed by internal malice or negligence should motivate every organization to enhance its data protection efforts against both external threats and those originating from authorized users. Despite the escalating risks of cyberattacks and other forms of data breaches, the study also uncovered intriguing insights into the current state of cybersecurity.

One of the most startling findings is that 75 percent of organizations lack centralized visibility into file movements across their environments. This means that three out of every four organizations do not have the necessary tools to monitor the details and context of file exposures.

Notably, the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 compelled many employers to adapt to restrictions and health concerns by transitioning millions of workers to remote work. During this period, data breaches were 4.5 times more likely to occur on end-user endpoints than on backend servers. This underscores the critical importance of endpoint security measures.


Don’t Be Another Statistic

While the statistics provide valuable insights, many data breach incidents can be prevented or effectively mitigated with a robust data security solution. A comprehensive approach includes safeguarding data on storage devices and hosts, along with implementing measures to control access through USB ports on company computers.

SecureDrive and SecureUSB drives offer hardware-encrypted, OS-independent solutions that securely transfer files between the drive and the host. Each drive includes a one-year DriveSecurity antivirus license and supports user authentication via PIN or password. The SecureDrive BT and SecureUSB BT models additionally feature a mobile app for enhanced security customization and can be managed remotely by administrators.

For Windows-based systems, SecureGuard enhances endpoint security by controlling access to computers when unauthorized USB devices are connected. Administrators can manage device permissions through whitelisting or blacklisting specific USB devices and activate features like Read Only Mode on individual computers to bolster protection.




About DT Asia

DT Asia began in 2007 with a clear mission to build the market entry for various pioneering IT security solutions from the US, Europe and Israel.

Today, DT Asia is a regional, value-added distributor of cybersecurity solutions providing cutting-edge technologies to key government organisations and top private sector clients including global banks and Fortune 500 companies. We have offices and partners around the Asia Pacific to better understand the markets and deliver localised solutions.