Cybersecurity Trends to Look Out for in 2024

Cybersecurity Trends to Look Out for in 2024

  The importance of cybersecurity has been on the rise for a while now. In 2024, cybersecurity will make its way into boardrooms, enter the AI battlefield, or change how businesses juggle their trade secrets and sensitive communications.  Here are our top 8...
API protection: How to create a fortress around your data

API protection: How to create a fortress around your data

If data is likened to oil, APIs serve as the pipelines through which it flows. Yet, without secure APIs, the consequences can be devastating for businesses, leading to annual losses estimated between $41 billion and $75 billion. Protecting APIs entails more than mere...
DT Asia 2023 Round-Up

DT Asia 2023 Round-Up   As we bid farewell to the challenges and triumphs of the past year, let us embrace the joyous arrival of the Lunar New Year! 2023 was a...
Common barriers to automated patch management and tips to overcome them

Common barriers to automated patch management and tips to overcome them

As the incidence of software vulnerabilities continues to surge, IT teams face the relentless task of keeping endpoints patched and current. Recent findings highlight that despite the emergence of new exploits, a significant portion of attacks target vulnerabilities...